Southern California's Premier
Legal Malpractice Law Firm
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We have over 30 years of legal experience, aggressively fighting for our clients.

Our Winning Philosophy
We have the knowledge, experience and resources to represent you in Legal Malpractice cases related to:
- Defamation
- Breach of Contract
- Real Estate Transactions
- Business Purchases
- Employment Law
What is Legal Malpractice?
Do I have a case?

Your case should be decided on the merits, and a loss should not be the result of your attorney's failure to properly prosecute the case. If your attorney failed to provide legal services that live up to the standards of the profession, and you suffered damages as a result, then you may have an action for legal malpractice. To sue your attorney, you need the help of an attorney that is experienced with legal malpractice cases. As you can imagine, actions against attorneys tend to be very litigious. Morris & Stone provides exceptional legal
representation to businesses and individuals on matters related to legal malpractice. We have a history of "turning around" cases that have been mishandled by other attorneys. If you lost your case, and you feel that your attorney was to blame, or if your case is still pending but you feel that your attorney is dropping the ball, call us. We want to save your case.
Legal malpractice arises when your lawyer's performance falls below the standard of care in the industry. That is the first burden of proof; showing that the attorney was negligent. But that is not the end of the story. It is possible that your attorney was negligent, but it didn't cause you any harm. To use a simple fact pattern to illustrate the point, assume that a defendant owes money under a promissory note, and has absolutely no defense. If the attorney fails to show up on the day of trial, that is clearly negligent, but would the outcome have been any different if
there was no defense to the money owing? If not, then the defendant did not really suffer any damages. In other words, the attorney's negligence was not the cause of the damage award. The defendant would have a breach of contract action against the attorney since he or she failed to perform the duties promised, but there would be no legal malpractice action.
Only an experienced legal malpractice attorney can determine whether an attorney's conduct fell below the standard. We have that experience at Morris & Stone. When you call, we may be able to determine from your description of what happened whether you suffered legal malpractice. Depending on the nature of the case, if it is determined that your former counsel committed legal malpractice, we will usually take the case on a contingency basis. Under this arrangement, you pay nothing unless we prevail.
"Perhaps it is my age or 40+ years of experience in the law, but it is compelling to comment that the performances of both counsel in this case, in terms of dedication to the law, to their clients, and to their scholarship make me proud to again call myself a 'Lawyer.'"
-- Orange County Superior Court Judge Robert J. Polis (Ret.), commenting on the performance of counsel from Morris & Stone.